Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home Made Bong Tutorial

Bear with me, its not a typical bong but this is what we created!
First you'll need your materials.
We used:
Empty plastic bottles
Plastic tubbing,
Duct tape

We started with out base being a bigger bottle.
A Gatorade bottle was our choice.

(My boyfriend was the one doing all the work. :])
We punched/stabbed a hole through the middle of the cap.
Large enough to slip the plastic tube in.

(This is just an example, we were tinkering with it.)
We then cut the bottom and top of another plastic bottle to put on top.
Start building our structure.

We then used duct tape to put them together.

We made the tube into a loop.
Not sure if that helped.
The plastic tub is obviously to get the smoke through.

We then put another plastic bottle, all the same length.
Taped it on top.

(Steve didn't want to be in the pictures but I'm letting this one slide. :])
We cut the bottom off another bottle,
left the top intact.
Taped it on and then viola,
The structure is built.
But not finished yet!

We put a bowl from another bong in,
Taped it in securely, try to not get any airholes!
Except the obvious slice in the side in the picture.
We cut it too much,
But you got to have your carb. :]

Make sure your bong as no leaks and test it out dry before hand. :]
We obviously used lots of duct tape.
You can make changes but as you can see, pretty simple.
Build a structure, strong and no leaks.
Put a carb and a place for the bowl
and there's your home made bong!

Now I know this tutorial isn't the best but its also my first!
Keep looking for more tutorials in the future.
Making oil, edibles, you name it and I'll try to do it.
Give me some feed back!


  1. It did, however, serve a similar aim: like the smoking jacket, the smoking cap purposed to appease women by keeping the odor of tobacco smoke out of the hair of men. Herb-Tools
